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In the 2024-2025 school year we will be piloting a new paradigm for our homeschool partnership. Homeschool students will form a cohort to explore various units throughout the year. Homeschool students will also integrate with our full-time students for lunch and recess and will be invited to join in a classroom lesson each week with the other students in their age range to maximize time spent learning alongside other students. In addition, homeschool students are invited to join us for any field trips and special celebrations throughout the year.
This year's theme for exploration is inspired by a recent situation at Battle Rock. This summer, in the process of building our new playground, one of our contractors altered the natural space behind our school. This beloved space has been a favorite play area for generations of Battle Rock students. Countless forts have been made there under the shade of much loved juniper and pinon trees. This impact not only increases the risk of erosion but also has made a treasured space unrecognizable. It is our goal to use this event as a learning experience and find a way to repair the damage that has been done.
Each month, we will be exploring these themes through literature and hands-on projects adapting a lens inspired by inquiry. Below are the questions we will be exploring each month.
How do humans impact the environment?
How do animals adapt to the human impact on the environment?
How can the environment extenuate the human impact?
When our environment is impacted by human development, what steps can we take to repair the damage?
What are some ways our community is working to reduce our impact on the environment?
How can we reuse or reduce to lessen our impact on the environment?
How has human impact on the environment affected you?
What are some ways we can explore and measure our impact on the environment?
How can we bring awareness to those around us?
Wrapping up our learning
Our inquiries will be enriched by multiple modes of expression and project-based learning including but not limited to Art, cooking, textiles, building, videography/photography, experimentation, music, performance, and STEM.
Contact us for more information or with questions about remote options!
Please join us!
4:30pm via Zoom
Please email Karen Casgrain at for an invitation to the meeting.