Catherine Baudoin, President
Joe Magie
Jessica Cowan
Matthew Keefauver
Laura Blakeman
Mary Jo Standard
Regina Whiteskunk
All Board Meetings are scheduled for 4:30 pm.
Members of the Battle Rock Charter School Board of Directors (‘Board”) serve three year terms, limited to two consecutive terms per individual. School by-laws require that the Board consist of the following Members: two parents and three “at-large members.”
Members of the Board are expected to fulfill the following tasks and responsibilities:
1. Board Members must be dedicated to the goals of academic achievement and character development for all Battle Rock students, with a commitment to the special meaning of our McElmo Canyon history, location and environment.
2. Board members must be willing to contribute to efforts to enhance Battle Rock Charter School's public image.
3. Board Members are required to attend regular meetings of the Board, currently scheduled for the second Monday of each month and commencing at 5 p.m. Meetings generally are held at the school, and are 1-1/2 to 2 hours in duration. Members will notify the Board President and/or Lead Teacher in the case of a necessary absence. Any Board Member missing two meetings in a row without prior Board notification may be dismissed from the Board. Members may participate in meetings by telephone.
4. The Board shall govern the property, business and affairs of Battle Rock Charter School. It does not manage day to day operations at the School.
5. Board Members are expected to review meeting materials and be prepared to take action as necessary. The meeting agenda will include reports and updates from the Lead Teacher and other staff, as well as other business as required.
6. Board Members are expected to participate in strategic planning and other long-term exercises, for the benefit of the School.
7. Board Members are expected to participate in and support major fund-raising events sponsored by the School.
8. Board Members are encouraged to commit to areas of interest related to school property, business and affairs (e.g., physical plant, finance, recruitment, etc).
For questions or additional information, please contact the school at (970) 565-3237.
Dated: December 31, 2020
Please submit a letter describing your interest in becoming a Battle Rock Charter School Board Director along with information related to your ability to serve the school in this capacity.
All responses should be submitted to: or by mail to Battle Rock Charter School, 11351 Road G, Cortez CO 81321